The move would extend her 36-year House career and continue to freeze her would-be California successors in a long-standing holding pattern.

    2810 months ago

    Why do these people want to continue in these leadership roles? It must be power and the attention seeking lifestyle., right? She is way too old. She would never be hired for a critical role outside of government. Move on and set age limits on our Country’s leadership roles.

    • pjhenry1216
      710 months ago

      At this point, the highest levels of our government are mainly just filled with folks seeking power and money (not always the same thing, so I think it bears mentioning both). They may have started off at the bottom with different intentions, but at this point, I doubt Pelosi is running with the intention that she would best execute the Democratic Party’s agenda (and having an agenda is not a bad thing, I feel like people make that a dirty word, so felt the need to clarify in advance).

      • WagesOf
        510 months ago

        She’s not supporting the democratic voter’s wishes at all, but the democratic party is entirely run by third way neocon oligarchs.

        She’s the most reliable corporatist they have.