Edward Coristine, a 19-year-old DOGE staffer nicknamed “Big Balls,” reportedly provided tech support to the cybercrime group EGodly through his company DiamondCDN.
EGodly, known for online of hacking government emails and cyberstalking FBI agent, publicly thanked DiamondCDN for DDoS protection in 2023.
Coristine, now a senior adviser at the State Department and CISA, did not respond to requests for comment.
Critics, including former CISA deputy director Nitin Natarajan, expressed concern over Coristine’s recent ties to cybercriminals while holding government network access.
Well, there’s many in the US Parks and Forest Service who are taking a stand. You should check in on what they are doing. Some of it is, opaque. But, they are vocal about things being done.
That said, for plain old non-civil servants, the news is covering what we are doing to resist, a little. But there’s not much for the public to do, at this point. We don’t really start being needed until the jackboots show up. And right now, when they are, people are doing things like building reporting systems to give location and activity info on federal operations, people are doing the Know Your Rights campaigns in immigrant communities, and people are funneling reproductive health meds to where they need to go.
Most civil servants are just rolling over, and quitting, or just doing what they are told.
Bullshit. Go chain yourself to a fence at the Whitehouse. Get arrested for it. Or… Are you saying it’s not worth the risk? The risk you’re asking others to take?
Purposefully getting arrested does nothing except take you out of the fight, and discourages.others.
So, you want people to do things that demoralize the working class?
And frankly, you don’t know what I’m doing.
And that’s all that non-organized protest will ever achieve. People are asking individuals to “stand up” like it would accomplish anything and all it would likely do is destroy some rando’s career or end with them in legal trouble that they can’t afford.
Who is suggesting anyone do non-organized protests?
For starters, if fired, their career is already over.
And no, we’re not demanding individuals stand up… We’re demanding the entire civil servant corp do so.
Additionally, legal trouble is the least of the person’s concerns in a fascist state. “Legal” is what the state determines is ok, not what is morally ok. And people need to get used to doing illegal things right now, because it’s going to become a requirement to resist quite soon if we don’t take drastic, and emphatic action like, right now.