I dont see consequences from the virus as a side effect. I only use the word side effect as something that comes from the vaccine, not the virus.
The rest of your comment seems to say that we should never do anything positive if it has any negative effects. Obviously you are trying to make a point but I dont think it makes sense. If i get tired from exercise, obviously its still worth doing. It has no long term negative effects or any significant risks.
The side effects of vaccines are quite dangerous. Its not like getting tired after exercise. We are talking life altering side effects that may mean you cant even function normally. But you know this already so im not sure why you pretend (i assume) to not understand. The logic here is very simple.
You can call me selfish all you want, but your examples of why people should vaccinate despite their side effects are a bit funny. They dont even make sense. :)
There are virtually no negative side effects of vaccines. That claim is pants on fire false, you must provide evidence of it or your argument is bad faith. Since your reading comprehension skills are ~6-8th grade I find it unlikely you will be able to continue this conversation coherently.
“They dont even make sense.” your lack of logical comprehension is abjectly clear to any other person and unconvincing.
I dont see consequences from the virus as a side effect. I only use the word side effect as something that comes from the vaccine, not the virus.
The rest of your comment seems to say that we should never do anything positive if it has any negative effects. Obviously you are trying to make a point but I dont think it makes sense. If i get tired from exercise, obviously its still worth doing. It has no long term negative effects or any significant risks.
The side effects of vaccines are quite dangerous. Its not like getting tired after exercise. We are talking life altering side effects that may mean you cant even function normally. But you know this already so im not sure why you pretend (i assume) to not understand. The logic here is very simple.
You can call me selfish all you want, but your examples of why people should vaccinate despite their side effects are a bit funny. They dont even make sense. :)
There are virtually no negative side effects of vaccines. That claim is pants on fire false, you must provide evidence of it or your argument is bad faith. Since your reading comprehension skills are ~6-8th grade I find it unlikely you will be able to continue this conversation coherently.
“They dont even make sense.” your lack of logical comprehension is abjectly clear to any other person and unconvincing.
I dont have to do anything :)
Certainly thinking critically is one of those things as well. Enjoy your bliss (ignorance).