That’s fine…if you live in the jungle. But potentially killing millions because it “might” have side effects, actually makes you worse than the religious antivaxxers.
You can at least say they where mislead, or scared into their beliefs. But you made the rational decision to sacrifice other’s lives (and possibly your own), so you don’t lose your perfect health streak.
Of course its fine. People do all kinds of things for their own convenience and dont care if it hurts others. Building factories, polluting the environment, driving cars, eating candy, drinking alcohol, loud music… Someone innocent pays the price for this, in the form of tax money for healthcare, or just getting sick because of it.
You are just pissed off because you think vaccines are special and everyone should risk their life for the common good. It makes no sense to make a personal sacrifice for some common good in this area.
Of course I think the things you listed should not be done either. I mean, cmon. We would all literally be better off if we just agreed not to fuck each other over.
Totally agree with not fucking eachother over, but look at the last decade. Social media has turned everyone into little keyboard warriors. Now we are fighting eachother based on minor differences in world view, and demonizing eachother, actually believing we are fighting evil on our phones.
I think humanity is in a bad shape and all of this could easily lead to the same thing Hitler did. Because once you start to see others as less than humans, a lot of your moral rules no longer apply to them.
We should all take a step back. I bet 10000 dollars that if I met you in a bar and we talked about vaccinations, we could have a conversation without hating eachother. But online, its all radicalized now. Lets keep that in mind and not be so easily manipulated. Most people are good and have reasons for why they do what they do.
That’s fine…if you live in the jungle. But potentially killing millions because it “might” have side effects, actually makes you worse than the religious antivaxxers.
You can at least say they where mislead, or scared into their beliefs. But you made the rational decision to sacrifice other’s lives (and possibly your own), so you don’t lose your perfect health streak.
Of course its fine. People do all kinds of things for their own convenience and dont care if it hurts others. Building factories, polluting the environment, driving cars, eating candy, drinking alcohol, loud music… Someone innocent pays the price for this, in the form of tax money for healthcare, or just getting sick because of it.
You are just pissed off because you think vaccines are special and everyone should risk their life for the common good. It makes no sense to make a personal sacrifice for some common good in this area.
Of course I think the things you listed should not be done either. I mean, cmon. We would all literally be better off if we just agreed not to fuck each other over.
But war it is I guess. War to the last human.
Totally agree with not fucking eachother over, but look at the last decade. Social media has turned everyone into little keyboard warriors. Now we are fighting eachother based on minor differences in world view, and demonizing eachother, actually believing we are fighting evil on our phones.
I think humanity is in a bad shape and all of this could easily lead to the same thing Hitler did. Because once you start to see others as less than humans, a lot of your moral rules no longer apply to them.
We should all take a step back. I bet 10000 dollars that if I met you in a bar and we talked about vaccinations, we could have a conversation without hating eachother. But online, its all radicalized now. Lets keep that in mind and not be so easily manipulated. Most people are good and have reasons for why they do what they do.