Every time somebody sends me a thumb I take it as “whatever you say you fucking dumbass” and it pisses me off.
And ya, I’m aware that that the replies are going to be thumbs, let’s see em ya jerks!!!
Every time somebody sends me a thumb I take it as “whatever you say you fucking dumbass” and it pisses me off.
And ya, I’m aware that that the replies are going to be thumbs, let’s see em ya jerks!!!
When I personally use it it means “OK, sounds good, I have nothing more to add but I read your message.”
It has also been ruled in court (I think in Australia but I dont remember for certain) that it is legally binding as a verbal agreement.
Basically a farmer sent a message to a wholesaler saying “Hey, I need to double my stock feed order for next quarter” or something like that, the supplier sent back a thumbs up. So the delivery arrived and it was only the regular amount. The farmer had to buy the extra amount at retail prices and it cost him tens of thousands more, so he sued for damages. The supplier argued that text messages and thumbs up werent the correct ordering procedure and that he wasnt liable, the court ruled effectively that “Then you should have said that. A thumbs up is a general term of positive response to a question or statement and in this case constitutes acceptance of a verbal agreement” and had to cough up.
Found the case, it was Canada and the farmer F-ed up not the supplier.
Exactly. Everyone at work uses it to cut the chain of “Looks good”, “Thanks”, “No problem”, etc short. If you’re interpreting an emoji as an attack you might have anger issues.