Is there a community on Lemmy that can help finding a game I played years ago.
The year was 1984 or 1985, last year of High School. The computer was an Apple 2e The game was a Raiders rip off with a guy in a fedora looking for treasure. It was monochrome green. I remember you had to place dynamite and run to blow through walls to get deeper inside a pyramid. It was loaded on 5 1/4" floppy disks. I guess it would need an emulator to play now.
Are you sure it’s not a reference to the tv show Heroes (tm) (R) (CC) (CCP) (CCCP) (littleoldladywho), and thus he has an unhealthy obsession with savior-figures that transcend the physical boundaries set by the unbreakable rules off reality? The game must be Superman 64, known for its trendsetting skyfall imagery and fast gameplay.