
Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 50 suspects for crimes including prostitution and begging after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the creation of a unit to police “immoral acts”, following years of loosening the kingdom’s hardline social restrictions.

The Ministry of Interior — set up to address “community security and human trafficking” — has arrested 11 women for prostitution, the first time Saudi authorities have publicly acknowledged the existence of the practice in more than a decade.

It has also rounded up dozens of foreigners for “immoral acts” in massage parlours and for forcing women and children to work as street beggars.

  • 1984
    22 hours ago

    Those units who monitors everyone else are usually far more perverted than the usual people. Thats how it works, and why so many psychologist are messed up, or why some Christian people are so messed up… They go into the profession/religion to try and fix themselves. Thats why its interesting for them.