Just got back from seeing GQuuuuuuX Beginning and wanted to start a thread for people to share thoughts and feelings. I’m gonna write a proper post tomorrow once I’ve had some time to digest (FYI I loved it). Please use the spoiler formatting for any key plot points to protect our fellow Gundam fans who have to wait until April for the full release. But I thought a discussion post would be fun for this community!
Yeah it was good! My wife watched it with me, she hadn’t watched any Gundam prior and I’ve only gotten into the franchise in the last few months.
I really like all the gribbly bits on the mechs in this new art style. I am not sure how to do spoiler tags so I’ll just avoid talking about the plot a bit.
Spoiler syntax:
::: spoiler Tag Text spoiler text :::
Like so:
Tag Text
spoiler text
Glad you enjoyed! I’m hoping this gets an accessible simulcast release. I’m sick of juggling streaming services (and have zero interest in taking up sailing as a hobby… been there, done that, burned out by 25 years of IT work).
Thanks for sharing the syntax.
And I agree about the streaming/sailing. I find anymore I’m too tired to sail. If something isn’t on a service I have I just don’t watch it. I’ve never been dinged for password sharing so currently I only pay for one service but share around and have 6.