It should be within reasonable range, like e.g. you won’t wake up as a Yedi or Superman tomorrow and world hunger won’t be solved just in a few days, etc

    610 months ago

    Dude, you’ve just gotta go in and ask em if they want to go for coffe sometime, because either they’re into you too or you’re the creepy customer who followed them from one dispensary to another to flirt with them. I really hope it’s the first, but if it’s the latter you’ve gotta leave that poor retail worker alone and find a new dispensary.

    • @cubedsteaks
      210 months ago

      Yeah, I felt bad about it because of comments like this. I didn’t know they went to work at a different dispensary that happened to be closer to my house.

      They’re fine and they always compliment me - I’ve complimented them once. We also talked recently and they said all our awkward interactions were fine too.

      110 months ago

      Why are using plural? Who are “they”? I’m not from US so I might be missing something, sorry…

        10 months ago

        “They” is also used as genderless singular, since OP didn’t specify their or their crush’s gender you’d use “they” instead of “he/she”