• yoshi
    2 months ago

    I’ve had to ask myself why I’m engaging with you, why this is an argument I’m choosing to participate in. Is the inane purpose of trying to get people to correctly classify platforms as social media my hill to die on?

    Of course not. You can also call a horse a pig and it won’t affect my life.

    My part in this ridiculous conversation is due to watching millions and billions of people with infinitely more access to information than ever before in human history choosing to believe that their ignorance or opinion is worth just as much as fact to the contrary.

    “Here’s the definition of the term you disagree with.”

    “Nuh uh, it’s this other thing I made up and you should respect my opinion.”

    No, I shouldn’t. Your opinion is ignorant to stated facts and has no worth. One of the diseases that social media (like this site!) has been an amazing vector for is giving anyone a platform (the definition of social media) to express their ignorance, contend that it’s rude and attacking to point out that flagrant ignorance, and probably end up convincing other people that their ignorance sounds kinda cool.

    You could have searched “what is social media,” “definition of social media,” “what makes social media social media,” etc. and seen a hundred results that’s converge on an actual definition for the term that Reddit and Lemmy encompass perfectly.

    Instead, you redefine a term because it’s how you feel and then use the comments section on social media to broadcast your ignorance.

    My contention is this: a website having media and a comment section doesn’t automatically qualify it as social media. Whether it operates as a public or private forum is irrelevant.

    You’re making an argument against something that no one else is saying. I replied to this in my last comment. ESPN is not social media because you or I don’t dictate the content there. But here, in this social media environment, I can make any post about anything and interact with all the posts and comments made by anyone else who chooses to use the platform. That’s the definition of social media. We - the social part - post the media. The Reddit company doesn’t make all the posts and then you get to comment on them. Anybody can and does post the media with which everyone interacts. This isn’t a difficult concept. I made this point in my last comment and you conveniently ignored it as it’s the crux of what makes your argument meaningless.

    I mean, you straight up said the stupid part out loud:

    More importantly, I am making a personal statement: I do not consider Lemmy or Reddit to be social media. I understand they are categorized as such, but I am stating my disagreement with that classification.

    “I know that things exist in fact but I redefined them to the benefit of no one except for me feeling special about myself and that’s my right!”

    And it is your right to be wrong and proud. And it’s any rational person’s right to see the ignorance in your belief and wonder at the psychological mechanisms that have led to a society where people believe their opinions counter to matters of fact are valid.

    I don’t care what you call Lemmy. Shout from the hilltops that this isn’t social media, make up your own special word for it, tell everyone that dogs aren’t actually mammals, that the color green doesn’t exist, and that tax cuts for the 1% will surely trickle down to the rest of us. Having an opinion based on your own definitions or feelings that’s counter to fact makes you irrational at best and allows any rational person to dismiss your opinions on things that actually do matter as you’ve proudly proven that facts aren’t a factor in your decision-making.

    I’m not writing this for you. You’re dug into your ignorance and my pointing out it has probably caused you to dig in twice as deep. That’s what people tend to do. I wrote all this precisely because it’s such a stupid, trivial matter that encapsulates a big reason our society has gotten so fucked. Because people have a platform (social media) to express their tiniest thoughts, they have arrived at the conclusion that their opinions on all matters are relevant.

    You redefined a term and are arguing that it’s valid and should be accepted… Other people whose last biology lesson was in grade school have impassioned arguments on how they feel vaccines work because they redefined what a vaccine is and does and in their personal definition it’s very dangerous. And we’ve all seen a video of some flat-earther performing Olympic gold mental gymnastics to justify their ignorant opinion.

    You’re doing the same thing despite the subject matter being so much more insignificant. I think that’s why I zeroed in on it. This is such a stupid thing to have a stupid opinion about and yet you’re as impassioned as the next person telling cancer patients to quit their therapy and start smelling essential oils.

    And the chance of you saying, “I see what you’re saying, I see that I made a definition up for a well-established term, and I’ve changed my mind,” is about as good as arguing with any of the examples above.

    This isn’t for you. This was for me and for all the no one else who will ever read this.

    • mechoman444@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Christ on a stick. What a bunch of inane self important dribble. I bet you like to fart in a wine glass and smell it.

      I have stated my points clearly. The fact that media and correspondence is posted in a public or private fasion is irrelevant.

      This platform and others like it are not used as classically considered social media like Facebook point blank period. The function of this platform compared to other social media platforms is not the same it is so drastically different that it should not be categorized as social media. If anything these kinds of platforms are media aggregators or as I like to call them news aggregators. Regardless of your opinions on it and anonymity does play a role here.

      The definition of social media is too vague and encompasses too many kinds of websites to be considered useful.

      I’m not stating my opinion I’m challenging the fact that platforms like this are considered social media and I’m stating facts as to why that is. So far the only thing you’ve managed to do is “I’m very smart this is what social media is defined as”.

      You haven’t actually countered any of my points in any way shape or form.

      But you are concerned about the two other people that are going to read this common thread before it gets deleted fantastic. Good on you for thinking of the Everyman.

      • yoshi
        2 months ago

        You’re an idiot, but don’t worry, you’re in good company and other idiots wil always be there to tell you how thoughtful your bullshit is.

        I’m going to block you now to very slightly reduce the amount of stupid people in my feed.