I dunno. I just feel less like I’m experiencing a fun new tool for communication the last few weeks. The communities here on Beehaw are still great and fantastic and aren’t what I’m bothered by. It’s just when I venture out in the world (which I often do) that I notice conversations are much more argumentative than I remember them being.

How’s everyone else doing? Is this a minor vibez check?

  • 1984
    2 years ago

    Yeah but I think it’s because it’s social media. People are very different on those platforms. Some are judging people, some are intentionally misunderstanding people, some just wants to argue, some wants to feel superior etc.

    In real life people act a lot nicer, maybe because it’s not socially acceptable to be like that in real life. On the other hand, if there would be a war-like situation, some people would turn nasty real fast. In wars, you see both the worst people and the best people.

    I still think most people are good. But we notice every little insulting comment, so it seems like it’s mostly bad on social media. Everyone who is quiet or don’t react, we don’t notice.

    Social media is not a real representation of the world, and it’s very important to keep reminding us of that. It’s mostly young people too, and they can be cruel because of not much life experience yet.