AKA how are you surviving it?

Mom and her partner are going to a reunion with some neighbours, get drunk and whatever and invited me but i won’t go. I know how those parties are and I hate being surrounded by alcoholic ignorant people and people I don’t know… My little bro (16 yrs old) goes out with his friends. My other bro that is 5 years younger than me (he’s 29 years old) Will pass the NYE with her fiance and her family in their families restaurant.

So I’ll stay in my room alone again. There’s no reason to go outside. The stupid fireworks won’t let me sleep anyways so I’ll play Xbox and watch some p*rn maybe. I know it can be seen as pathetic for some, but that’s my reality and I can’t do anything about it.

  • 1984
    2 months ago

    I played poker with my girlfriend. Watched fireworks for maybe 10 minutes.

    Don’t worry so much what everyone else is doing. I also don’t drink on new years eve.

    The public is full of people who do what they are told by our culture. You can choose to follow or not. :)

    Pathetic would be to go out and hate it, just because you are afraid of what others will think if you don’t.