This is a genuine question.

I have a hard time with this. My righteous side wants him to face an appropriate sentence, but my pessimistic side thinks this might have set a great example for CEOs to always maintain a level of humanity or face unforseen consequences.

P.S. this topic is highly controversial and I want actual opinions so let’s be civil.

And if you’re a mod, delete this if the post is inappropriate or if it gets too heated.

  • ubergeek
    2 months ago

    The American judicial system has cops being judge, jury, and executioner.

    So, we just outsourced justice in this case.

      2 months ago

      Yeah… The problem is…

      When does this outsourced justice decides that my comments are not acceptable and comes to kill my family for not having the accepted mentality…

      Free speech should not be limited with the barrel of a gun. These corporate goons need to go down, but it needs to be done with the tools that yhe Americans founders gave you.

      For christ sake, you are not living in a dictatorship. You are living in a. Country which actually has rights and actual elections. How many people would kill to have that in their country?

      This isn’t a Problem that just happened, it’s been going on for probably more than 20 years but everyone chose to look the other side and try to make money for their own pocket instead of asking what you can do for America and not what America can do for you.

      Why throw out what is good because you left it in a counter and refuse to use…

      • ubergeek
        2 months ago

        The American founders gave us the right to keep guns, to use them against tyrants.

        Like CEOs.

        Also, about rights: i love in a rights free zone, as I am less than 100 miles from an international port or airport. Like 95% of Americans.

        Not counting the 25% of citizens with no rights, in prison.