The weight of the material is supported by your shoulders, and not your hips, which is far more comfortable in general

In addition to having more room for pockets, overalls can carry heavier things without falling down, nor need for a belt

Since the weight of the material is carried at the shoulders, bending down at the waist is easier and less restricted. The waistband no longer needs to be tight, since it no longer serves a functional purpose

  • arcayne
    5 months ago

    I agree. Years back, when I was getting my CDL in the construction industry, my trainer recommended I get some overalls for comfort. I was in fairly good shape at the time, but man - the relief I felt from not having a belt digging into my gut while behind the wheel made it a lot easier to hop out of the cab and throw chain at a good pace, and I never had to worry about anything coming untucked. Was certainly a game changer.