• @Hrothgar59@lemmy.world
    55 hours ago

    My brain just does that anyway, after decades of ads I just tune them out. And at home I use ad blockers.

    • @helenslunch@feddit.nl
      133 hours ago

      The reason we’re absolutely fucking blasted away with ads is because even if they only have a 0.01% success rate, that’s enough to make them super profitable. So if you and 998 other people all pay zero attention to ads, they still make money.

      There’s also lots of people (like one of my family members) who become absolutely irate by ads but still buy the shit they’re shilling anyway.

    • @vvvvv@lemmy.world
      103 hours ago

      That’s not how it works. Or, rather, that’s not only how it works. Sure, advertisers dream of users who see an ad once and run to buy a product. But ad effects are spread over time. They build brand recognition. They fake familiarity. Say you are in a supermarket and you want to buy a new type of product that you haven’t bought before. Very likely you’ll pick something familiar-sounding, which you heard in an ad. Ads pollute the mind even if the most obvious effects are, well, obvious and easily discarded, more subtle influence remains.

      • @thisisnotgoingwell@programming.dev
        122 minutes ago

        If it makes you feel any better, I intentionally never use products that have intentionally repetitive messaging or earworm tendencies out of spite. Though I know I’m probably in the minority