
A seating chart for an “8 HOUR FLIGHT” with the text “PICK YOUR SEAT” at the top. The chart is composed of 10 numbered seats, each occupied by a different famous Republican politician or public figure, or the devil. Each number represents a seat, and each seat is either adjacent to or between one or two different individuals.

  • @abracaDavid
    622 days ago

    I would willingly sit next to Alex Jones. That guy is hilarious.

    I legit think he’s super entertaining, just as long as you understand that everything he says is a lie.

    • This was my choice and reasoning as well.

      MTG and Boebert would be interesting, see if I can get them to fight over who gives a better hand job.

      I’d sit next to Ted Cruz if I wanted to stroke out after having a bad faith argument where he repeatedly uses bad debate tactics as devil’s advocate.

      Same with Clarence Thomas. Except my goal would be to make him strike out instead.

      22 days ago

      Alex Jones is a talented entertainer, he’s just not open about his own kayfabe, next to him is my second option after 9

      Edit: just noticed Hogan, next to him is second choice now, I’d spend the entire flight talking about how Stone Cold was a bigger draw and ruin his day