For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

    -1624 days ago

    This thread is scary, a lot of you are being upvoted but your statements are just jealousy and anger.

    Lots of projection going on here.

    Lots of yall mad at women engaging in the type of behavior us men have exhibited forever.

      1324 days ago

      You sure? Because what I’m seeing is a lot of sexual abuse towards guys that’s not being taken seriously, or workplace social abuse towards guys that’s mostly ignored.

        24 days ago

        Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

        If you think I’m referring to the situations where men are referring to their abuse instead of the comments where people are just whining about women acting selfishly or shitty then that’s on you.

        In fact my statement was specifically NOT about that.

        ^ women are now dating younger men, it isn’t fair.

        ^ women being empowered to find a new partner, sometimes on a whim.

        ^ women get away with everything and men nothing

        ^ the patriarchy being wielded by women against men … seriously?

        ^ opposite gendered things being not allowed for men … this one is so telling

        ^ anecdote of this guys shitty relationship.

        ^ this is just so shockingly blind and ignorant it’s hard to even refute. Women’s appearances have been basically the domain of us men for millennia or more.

          724 days ago

          Yeah, so, you are talking about exactly the kind of comments I thought you were talking about.

          Way to go continuing to ignore legitimate issues, brushing them off as “jealous whining”.

        • Lightor
          24 days ago

          You’re really representing a lot of these with bad faith. It seems like you came into this thread with a view and used anything said to justify that view.

          Your first call out about and ignores the entire point being made and the clear double standard being called out. You seem more willing to play the victim than have an honest conversation on equality.

          Imagine if men behaved this way about women discussing double standards, it wouldn’t make you feel good. So why do it to men?

    • @mods_mum
      -223 days ago

      Can you please go back to twoX already? We escaped Reddit because we don’t like toxic communities. Either don’t bring this shit here or just go back to reddit