Birth rates have dropped 20% since 2007. I don’t think we ever came back from the '08 crash. It’s just been smoke and mirrors.

    • SubstantialNothingness [none/use name]
      251 month ago

      You caused me to look up per capita emissions and… well, the scale alone is rather horrifying.

      It looks like North Americans emit almost 10x as much per capita as their neighbors in South America. And this is territorial emissions, meaning it doesn’t count emissions involved in the manufacturing of imported goods. (I’m sure if you shifted the emissions accounting to the point of consumption then China would look waaay better.)

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      91 month ago

      Yep, that’s my reasoning. Sure, the idea of an individual carbon footprint is almost entirely propaganda to keep people from executing fossil fuel executives in the streets, but increasing your emissions by ~50% per kid seems like a big enough difference to matter.

      That and not wanting to bring a child into a country that is on a perpetual slope towards ever-greater fascism.

      • hypercracker [he/him]
        61 month ago

        Honestly first-worlders who gripe about carbon footprints being bullshit can be easily dismissed as idiots who don’t grasp the scale of the problem. Their personal lifestyle will have to change massively. A single cross-country flight emits more carbon than citizens of some poor countries emit in an entire year.