• UltraGreen [comrade/them]
    251 month ago

    Eh. I’ve spoken to a lot of women that don’t feel safe here in Texas. They don’t have the money to leave, and with the governor pardoning rapists and racist murderers, they are afraid of the future here. They are afraid of being raped and being forced to carry, which is absolutely what rightists want.

    They have also asked me who I’m voting for. And if saying I’m voting for Dems makes those in my life and around me feel safer, then I will do that, and I won’t lie to women and fem people. Telling them about socialism, revolutionary politics, imperialism will not help them feel safer or better. It’s so shitty here in Texas, that basic survival instincts are what people worry about. Me and so many of my friends have been catcalled or threatened with sexual violence here.

    Voting is the liberal bandaid, they think it will fix everything. It won’t, voting will not stop imperialism, it won’t stop genocide it won’t even stop homelessness or inflation lol. But will it slow the progression of fascist policies and maybe give people the chance to learn about actual leftism? It might. And that’s all a lot of people can hope for.

    Vote against gross rightist policies, and in the meantime get organized, form a union, talk to your coworkers about how you need to be earning more, form community with people outside of the corpo entertainment sphere. There is so much work to do in the US for there to be an actual leftist movement, frankly we are so far behind and need to start doing shit now.

      • HamManBad [he/him]
        211 month ago

        I might get shit for this, but in Wisconsin having a Dem governor has absolutely slowed down the deluge of fascist bullshit we’ve been putting up with for the past decade and a half. I can’t imagine how much worse things would be if Walker was still in power.

        • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
          81 month ago

          That’s fair enough, but somewhat of a moot point when the vote scolding is over the presidential election, where the dems have been worse than useless.

          • HamManBad [he/him]
            41 month ago

            That’s why Walz is specifically effective at de radicalization. If I were a public figure, my opponents would be making commercials highlighting that I said “if the national Democrats were more like DFL, I might vote for them”

          • Egon [they/them]
            171 month ago

            Spamming the same response is shitty, intellectually lazy and also just not a good way to create discussion nor a way to be persuasive. It makes you come off as desperate

        • Wugmeister
          01 month ago

          Let’s think about it this way. The red team and blue team will only band together to beat down anything remotely leftist, so we kinda are limited to organizing in our local communities. Would you rather do leftist work under a old white person who blows hot air about allegedly believing that immigrants are people and that people have inherent human rights, or an old white person who doesn’t even pretend to see non-white people as human and vocally opposes basic human rights? That’s what voting is for, as I see it.

          • Egon [they/them]
            261 month ago

            When you vote for someone you legitimise them and you are giving them approval. The more legitimate a government is perceived to be, the harder it is to organise resistance against it.
            Furthermore there was way more resistance to government actions and support for dissidents under Trump than under Biden, even though Biden has expanded a lot of Trumps most unpopular policies.

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            231 month ago

            Were you not conscious during the Trump presidency? Remember airports full of lawyers and liberals trying to stop deportations? That was pretty good, right? Where the fuck did they go when Biden got into office and smashed the deportation accelerator? Biden deported more people in his first year than Trump did in four and the liberals have been dead fucking silent.

            So if you’re asking which climate I’d rather organize under, it’s the one where people actually organize against the executive to stop bad things and that literally only happens when a Republican is in office because liberals are blind.

          • heggs_bayer [none/use name]
            141 month ago

            Considering they both end up being indistinguishable policy-wise and Mango Mussolini’s presidency pushed libs to actually set brunch aside for a bit, I’d much rather take the latter.

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]OP
      151 month ago

      form a union, talk to your coworkers about how you need to be earning more

      Doing these two things specifically would get me fired from my job

      • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
        111 month ago

        You can’t legally be fired for discussing wages. And if you don’t think you can form a union/join an existing one, there are plenty of leftist organizations that you are probably local to, that you can join. Something, anything is better than nothing. We have to foster true community, and organize before we can even hope and dream for something getting better.

            • casskaydee [she/her]
              221 month ago

              Employers violating labor laws knowing they will suffer no consequences? Not in my democracy 😤😤😤

              • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
                71 month ago

                If they are going to violate labor laws anyway, why don’t you just do it anyway as well? All I’m saying is do something.

                • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                  141 month ago

                  why don’t you just do it anyway as well?

                  I hope you’re sitting down before you finish reading this sentence: a lot of people can’t afford to miss a paycheck.

                • muslimmarxist [none/use name]
                  121 month ago

                  If they are going to violate labor laws anyway, why don’t you just do it anyway as well? All I’m saying is do something.

                  Cool go do an adventurism then LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL.

                  Jesus fucking christ… “You can’t legally be fired for discussing wages.” SMFH :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

            • Egon [they/them]
              91 month ago

              Yeah it’s not like it’s super common practice to shut down departments that get unionized, give agitators impossible schedules and tasks or just fire them for made up stuff.

    • muslimmarxist [none/use name]
      61 month ago


      Does anyone actually say “rightist”? Sounds like some “oh yeah, if we’re leftists, then YOU’RE RIGHTISTS!! HAHA THE PEN IS MIGHTER THAN THE SWORD MLADY!!”