LGBT people do exist, and I think transexual people need those same protections. “Gender” on the other hand, has become an absolutely loaded term pushed to an extreme where it no longer is sane. One of my favorite people is hermaph, and the trans community has absolutely taken the spotlight away from issues that people face with this condition. So much so that it’s become detrimental to people who need actual protections and considerations.
Honestly, I believe it’s set back our social structure by an easy 20 years. We’re not teaching men that it’s okay to do things like paint their nails, etc – We’ve got this whole section of society that want to turn that guy into a woman because he wants to paint his nails; instead of just saying – It’s okay for dudes to paint their nails.
For a community that strives on “greyscale”, there’s a whooooole fucking lot of emphasis in staying in those gender roles by changing who you are, instead of just saying it’s okay to do the things you want to do AS you are. Puberty Blockers are not the way to solve this, and we need to remove gender-identity as a social acceptable and turn it around and let people know they can do things without changing or mutilating their bodies to do so.
Sounds like another way toxic people continue to divide us in our own relationships. My wife and I support each other emotionally during hard times. If it’s both of us, or one of us, our job is to be the support the other one needs so they have an easier time coping with it.
Your partner is your best friend. They’re not your therapist, they’re your other half. If you can’t be open, and honest with them - then what’s the point?
We even have laws which say Husbands/Wives can’t be forced to testify against one another because that bond is so strong that they share things that can’t be shared with anyone else.
As with anything though, you just openly discuss where that line is with your partner. Communication is key in any healthy relationship, and the moment you stop communicating or hiding things from one another - it just slowly slides downhill from there.
If they use that vulnerability as ammo against you - call them on it. Your SO is effectively, supposed to be the person you can trust more than your own self at times. If they aren’t that for you, you gotta decide where that sits in your heart.