At least it looks like they allow pets.
At least it looks like they allow pets.
But is the software written by developers with access to the outside and daylight? Even if they prefer to shun it and choose blackout curtains.
Er… I stand by what I said…
The shutters inside the socket are more effective at preventing Anthony from being stuck in.
Then they have to replace them.
I can’t help, but I can give my experience on time-zone adaption.
It depends on the individual, but (based on my attempts) there’s not much you can do to get a kid to just go to sleep earlier (especially if they have a reason to stay up late). So all I can do is have work on the waking-up time.
Pull back the waking time a little earlier each day (30 minutes or so, but not more than an hour earlier a day). Start with 8 hours from their current sleep time, even if it’s they’re currently going to sleep at 7am (which is typical if arriving in the UK from the west coast). Aim for a sliding window of “acceptable sleep time” that’s 8 hours or so and try to pull it back each day.
Outside of the bedtime hours, random naps may happen while trying to adapt, but don’t let them last too long. Maybe 90 minues, since that’s meant to be the deep/light sleep cycle. Too often I’ve been fooled, thinking “Great! The kids are asleep by 1am! Progress!” only to have them wake up 3 hours later and be up until 9.
You get the occasional relapse too (although usually in the first few days) were you think everyone’s adapting and then someone just flakes out at some random time, but I just try to keep to the sliding bedtime window as best I can.
Should have called it “climate instability” or “climate chaos” from the start.
Aside from the Watch Duty app, which I think everyone knows about now, are you signed up with
I get text messages for alerts.
Although none of it helps of your phone is on do not disturb mode, except for the emergency alert system.
How do you feel about ducks?
I just had Find My Device say it can’t find my Pixel Buds, while they were connected to the phone!
I was hoping that the new trackers would be a better replacement for Tile, but I guess not.
Thank for giving us all a fun break from reading about serious issues!
Good luck with the move. One thing I always like about traveling is that it reminds me there are lots of good people to meet.
With 4-dimensional forceps they could remove/replace him without detection at any time and so they could work in shifts. I can’t help with the rest.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
What purpose did the blue man serve? Just repeat what he could indistinctly hear?
Is there some tiny blue man union preventing him from being replaced with just the radio?
This is disappointing, especially that Tile worked better than the other Android options. I was hoping that the new trackers would be a better option.
I’ve used Tile and they’re okay, but occasionally buggy. I once deliberately left a Tile in another country and it would usually show the correct location, but occasionally report it as found near me. Support were in denial, claiming that I must have brought it with me, as if it could somehow go across the Atlantic and back by itself.
I do think that checking baggage is a poor test case though. The bags are probably far from any person’s phone when begin transported.
I also wonder why they needed 4 phones to test. Wouldn’t Tile and the pebblebe/chilplo trackers also work on the Samsung?
To get to the next jar of beans?
Is this all he ever does?
Is that guy pointing impatiently at his wrist-sundial?