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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • “…for some reason…”

    The reason is the same as all fascist takeovers. The coup works slowly, then suddenly. We are in the acceleration phase, it’s ramping up, just as they said it would in the Project 2025 documents.


    The script is to combine a shock and awe campaign of massive change on so many fronts that no one could possibly resist them all, and to demoralize and deflate opposition.

    Once this phase is complete, the power thieves will have sufficiently infiltrated the monopoly on violence (military and policing management) and the bureaucratic and technocratic key elements will be gutted or loyalized, so that a full coup can occur. Full control of media, a massive apparatus of repression and surveillance, and a hot mess of mistrust throughout society.

    Interpersonal and community relations will be broken and replaced by dependency on authority for guidance and morality and information. Rights will be crushed and perverted. Power and money will only flow to the top, and poverty will become the norm.

    US international influence will contract and enemies will be constructed. Blame Canada.

    Just a warning though, when you folks are finally conscripted to invade northwards, we have a lot of methods and welcoming gifts to make it regrettable, and people here are getting prepared. I’d dodge the draft, when it comes, if I were you.

  • It’s the path of strongly hierarchical institutions. The hierarchy itself skews bullshitters and sociopaths into power over time, and it becomes self-justifying and drops the core goals as you point out.

    Flatter hierarchy institutions seem to have some immunity to this if the central goals are sufficiently motivating. The Quakers manage a fairly enduring fidelity to their original principles, for instance, and I admire their organizational methods and commitment to good works, if not their mythology. At a much smaller scale, nonprofits and cooperatives I have been involved with also have more or leas success avoiding institutional rot based on that combination of clear goals and power sharing.