Found a brand new one.
The problem with that is the list becomes outdated as more and more companies embrace the process. Specific examples are what we need.
The responses so far are not specific examples of individual companies, brands features etc. They suffer the same problem as the article. Please be specific. For example when you say subscriptions on cars maybe mention BMW trying to put a subscription on heated seats.
The list isn’t useful if it’s not specific.
Tell us to don’t understand evolution without telling us you don’t understand evolution.
Mr Mime. Pokémon say their own names and he doesn’t.
If that was your point you did a horrible job of making it because you didn’t address their point at all. You talked about their mindset. That’s a complete failure of communication.
Your comment reminds me of cars with Lets Go Brandon bumper stickers. Which all started with “impeach, the president and her husband too” bumper stickers during the Clinton administration. That’s when people got so delusional. They started putting the opposition on their vehicle and letting them occupy space in their head full time.
And I know that’s where you were going with your comment. The problem is in this particular situation you look like the person who is unhinged. The entire purpose of this group is about Trump. Every Post in it will be about Trump. Anybody replying to a post is replying about something Trump did. Any comment someone is replying to will be about Trump. This is like the one place where literally everyone has Trump on their mind because that’s the entire reason for existing. So you comment just doesn’t work. If someone wasn’t thinking about Trump while commenting in here that means they’ve gotten off topic.
A vehicle for grift. Buy shares in a company. Convince the government to buy it. Get paid.
Remember when Republicans wanted to privatize everything because government is slow, bloated and inefficient? Now they are endorsing government takeovers of companies.
When you follow a party it creates a shortcut in the brain that stops you from questioning if an action of theirs is consistent with its beliefs. Next thing you know the party has changed all its positions and the followers don’t even realize that it changed but they still follow it.
People voted for Trump because they thought he would ban all abortions. But he changed the official party platform to only want to ban late term abortion. When you show them the text they refuse to believe it even when you have them read it out loud. The platform changed. The platform changed and those single issue voters didn’t care because they believed it didn’t change.
On the other hand the title is so vague that it’s meaningless. I thought it was going to be about reversing the lead in water standards set by the Biden administration.
Right, sorry, USMCA.
For me aircraft grade aluminum is right up there with space age technology. The space age was 50 years ago.
The difference between a millionaire and a billionaire is a thousand. Population isn’t 10 times larger than it was 30 years ago. Inflation hasn’t grown by a thousand percent in 30 years. None of the things you named can account for an order of magnitude increase in the number of billionaires. Nothing you said can account for them holding a larger percentage of the total wealth. It’s not like when there was 60 and now that there are 664 that they both had the same relative proportion of the wealth. The wealth gap is increasing. So that hundred-plus million number that they hold more wealth than keeps getting larger and that number is growing faster than the population.
Unfortunately most items don’t have standardized labeling. You can frequently find “contractor grade” or 'builder grade" listed but you won’t find much beyond that because no one wants to put 'retail grade" on anything. You have to look at the items. Does it look like metal but it’s plastic? Trash.
Rice dust.
And he is doing everything in his power to speed it up.
People frequently ask me about appliance advice. I always told him to buy the absolute basic model. Every extra feature is one that can break.
And when doing home repairs don’t get contractor grade. It’s the worst quality possible. I do extensive amounts of cooking and most of my stuff has been from restaurants supply stores, antique shops or handmade by me.
Are we the bad guys?
“Tesla makes only EV cars and so it doesn’t need all the credits a typical gasoline car company would receive. So they sell them.”
Which means the system isn’t working. Surplus credits should come from improved efficiencies, not excessive allotment.
I’m with you on this. If Google didn’t change it then they were risking lawsuits. Big difference between milking customers for more with less vs caving to avoid lose.