“I don’t not give my consent for you to engage in epic gay sex with my sister. You may only engage in coitus if it is boring, mundane, and extremely vanilla.”
“I don’t not give my consent for you to engage in epic gay sex with my sister. You may only engage in coitus if it is boring, mundane, and extremely vanilla.”
“I would prefer to see a bit more violence from those supposed ‘Peacekeepers.’”
Being from America, how much time you got…?
Exactly the point, IMO. Hell, they even have a name for such a deployment: tripwire forces.
“I think the bigger problem are the people from within, we have some very bad people, sick people, radical
Yeah Don, we know. They even wear a red hat to help identify themselves.
And this level of intelligence is allowed to vote. We’re doomed.
If Bob’s Burgers has taught me anything, then this is ambergris.
Fuck, my suits in the shop…
With Kid Rock getting all this Republican attention and Limp Bizkit suddenly back in the news, are Korn and Smashmouth gonna cosponsor a save the whales initiative? Is P.O.D. gonna open a Planned Parenthood? Are the Kottonmouth Kings gonna open a soup kitchen?I’m so confused!
Wait, so Darth Vader is
Luke Skywalker’s father?
And 20 minutes after the announcement was made, they followed up with the unfortunate message that Cavill has been dropped from the project due to the fact that he understands and enjoys the source material, and is therefore too problematic to continue working with.
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I’m not sure drag knows what anarchy is…
Define “kid.”
“Say no to non-euclidian spaces!”
wanders in wearing a Kangol visor, JNCO yardies, and about 78lbs of candy
"Yo the map i got from under a rock in the field behind 7/11 on Jefferson and MLK said this is where the rave is supposed to be…
…am i early or something?"
No, they’re saying they’re sick of all the obvious corruption and obvious bullshit going unpunished.