This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, thus I have heard:
“Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu endowed with two qualities dwells in the here and now with abundant ease and joy, and his mind is directed towards the wearing away of the defilements. What are the two? 1) By being moved on occasions that inspire a sense of urgency, and 2) by wisely striving when aroused with urgency. A bhikkhu endowed with these two qualities dwells in the here and now with abundant ease and joy, and his mind is directed towards the wearing away of the defilements.”
The Blessed One spoke on this matter. Therefore, it is said thus:
"On occasions that inspire a sense of urgency, the wise should be moved; With continuous effort, the discerning bhikkhu, examines carefully with wisdom.
Thus dwelling with continuous effort, peaceful and unruffled; Devoted to tranquility of mind, he arrives at the end of suffering."
This matter too was spoken by the Blessed One, thus I have heard.
Picture: Feminine Wave, Katsushika Hokusai, 1845
Related Teachings:
Conflicts cease when one has mindfulness of death (DhP 6) - Others do not realize that we all must die; But those who do realize this, their conflicts cease.
The Five Unobtainable States (AN 5.48) - A wise person reflects on their nature, so they do not suffer when struck by loss.
Upajjhatthana Sutta: Five Subjects for Contemplation ↗️ - Reflecting on aging, sickness, death, parting from beloved, and inheriting one’s actions (kamma).