After the US banned US businesses from working with Germany, the owners of IBM set up a sister company in Germany to continue operations.
Yea super shitty company. When the company I worked for got bought by them I fucked around so much during that time. Cost them as much money as I could during that time as my mini fuck you to them.
Some parts of the company kinda act like nazis to be honest.
Even the romans knew that money does not smell.
Looked up a list of all companies that worked with/supported Nazi Germany, pretty extensive. Some of these definitely surprised me, like Associated Press, Bayer, Ford, and Chase Bank.
Isn’t Bayer a German company?
Yeah they are, still they are the ones credited with creating aspirin, Aleve, alka-seltzer, and other commonly used medicine products
And zyklon b.
Is Ford that much of a surprise?