The US seems to be doing its best to be everyone’s enemy right now.
Not Russia’s.
I mean, Trump is in part Putin’s creation.
You know the funny thing is, here in Russia some of the patriotic tankie folk, unsatisfied with how the war is going, have started to spread the conspiracy that Putin himself is a CIA asset, whose sole job throughout his entire presidency is to destroy the remnants of USSR, but in a subtle enough way not to cause an outright revolt…
So, if Putin owns Trump, and CIA owns Putin, and Trump owns CIA, then who’s controlling who in this crazy world? (though why would it matter, all of them belong to the guillotine anyway)
Putin himself is a CIA asset
That’s not exactly a new or particularly radical view. Going back to Yeltsin’s soft coup in the 90s, combined with Putin’s rapid adoption of Shock Doctrine economic policies in Saint Petersburg and then across the country through United Russia… I mean, when the son of your old arch rival’s CIA Director looks you in the eyes and says “This guy’s got a good soul”, come on. That’s gotta throw at least a couple of red flags.
So, if Putin owns Trump, and CIA owns Putin, and Trump owns CIA, then who’s controlling who in this crazy world?
The “X is a puppet of Y” line has always been the jangling keys of international policy. You don’t have to look that hard to find the hands of international finance behind both leaders. The Mercers and the Kochs and Thiel/Musk/Zuck Silicon Valley cartel on one end. The industrial billionaires who took over Russian heavy industry - Mikhelson and Mordashov and Prokhorov - on the other. But they’re the untouchables. Trump and Putin are the ones you’re supposed to take aim at.
What’s bleaker than that is the recognition that there isn’t some shadowy singular evil hand moving all the pieces on the board. Nobody is actually in control. Trump is lashing out at people purely out of a sense of petty revenge, and the conservative allies already in the federal government are willing to help him get it. Putin’s fumbling grasp at a revanchist Slavic Ethno-Superstate is the result of him drinking too much of his own koolaid. The techbros and the old oil money are all burnt out from cocaine and ketamine, chasing the ideological fantasies laid out by their parents and grandparents, most of whom are long dead.
A lot of this is purely opportunistic greed and petty backbiting. Trump hating “liberals in the media” for embarrassing him ten years ago. Putin resenting his country’s fall from grace and lashing out at every neighbor in shelling range. Both seeing a kindred spirit in the other, as they’re set on megalomaniac revenge sprees.
It’s been a couple o days already that Trump announced he will go against Russia if Ukraine pays his price…
(His price seems to be all about posturing, but he made a point of announcing it.)
Every word he utters is “Give me money and attention” with a different theme applied.
a relatable man
always called him the worlds biggest attention whore, I’ve never seen anyone soak up so much media attention by constantly announcing stupid or idiotic things
A little bit of posturing to maintain his strongman image with his base doesn’t change a thing.
moronic statement. Is that why he armed the Banderite nazis, broke all the missile treaties with Russia? Brainrot from consuming too much US garbage media.
Probably needs a Union Jack on the right as well
Time for Bre-entry
Can we add Canada to that too please?
They loading up the nukes to take Greenland too?
I’m British. Not that I’m aware. But we aren’t really speaking against The Orange Fart and we do have a fair few right wing folk.
we do have a fair few right wing folk.
In these times… who doesn’t?
Very true. It’s just the best answer I could come up with.
We’ve shat the bed in Europe so much that we’re on Team Trump by default. Starmer of course wants to have it both ways, but when push comes to shove, we’ll be trying to broker a deal over Greenland and hosting Trump Org Gaza property expos.
He actually did have a decent response when he was asked about Gaza and Trump’s “plan” in parliament, specifically saying that Palestinians must be allowed back to their homes and allowed to rebuild, and also that Britain should back them in that
He also expressed concerns about the Gaza operation, while continuing to supply weapons to the IDF, so this should probably be taken as a PR figleaf.
If you want us Europeans to forcefully establish a democracy in the USA, please let us know…
I honestly do, it’s been too long.
First we’ll have to invent tea resistant armour
God yes please
America is Europe’s offspring. Everything they are is everything you guys pretend not to be.
EU folds immediately whenever the USA walks in drunk with its imperialist demands.
Did jack shit during the entire Israel-Gaza situation because the number one rule is to not piss off Uncle Sam.
Even their international trade standards get regularly abused by the US to impose sanctions on anyone they want, without acting like they’re responsible.
Pakistan had all these dumbass trade restrictions that magically got lifted the literal day their democratically elected PM was thrown in jail. All of the sudden the IMF (UN, just one example) shut the hell up about gas subsidies and opened the loan book like nothing happened.
That’s just wrong. The EU immediately condemned Trumps speech about seizing Gaza and driving the Palestine people out.
They are also ready to counter any tariffs by Mango Mussolini with their own.
Yurop won’t bow down.
Politics is just like le Star Wars!
Europe is the good guy? Since when?
Since Einstein said everything is relative.
Since they starting letting the US do all the dirty work while they reap the benefits and look innocent at the same time.
Whole of Europe?
NATO countries, not those under Russian influence.
Let’s hope the water wars & the mass migration wars/massacres that will prelude wwiii change socio-macro-economical-geopoliticals enough for nobody to bootsonground invade us.
Or you know, we don’t accidentally transition to the far-dark side on our own.
Yurop is best rop!
The force is with us… but that’s about it.
What should I identify as if I don’t relate to or support anything America is doing, but can’t afford to pack up my family and leave?
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That’s stupid. No one cares about street level Nazis.
Moronic European “leaders” are bootlickers of the US, the only evil one.
Are you 10 years old?
One man’s evil is another man’s yurop
It’s crazy to even talk about the EU in the face the deep contradictions racking the continent since the '08 crash. Like, Italy’s already outright Fash. Macron is playing footsie with LePen on immigration to keep the demsuccs at bay. Hungary and Poland are reactionary wastelands. Greece is staring down the barrel of an increasingly militant Turkyie in between earthquakes and droughts rocking their domestic economy. Germany and the Nords are beating back their own fascist resurgence.
None of these states seem particularly aligned as the EU parliament just becomes a dumping ground for idiots and assholes. This isn’t a glorious Rebel Alliance, its a clown car with the Check Engine light burnt out.
Mexico actually belongs on the left and the EU belongs on the right
Europe sure is fighting Russia hard 🤡
Europe on the right site too. Ukraine on the left side. (-9… well this are the people ignoring the raise of the far right in Europe)