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New research reveals an alarming fact about copycat mass shooters. Research found nearly 80% of copycat attacks occurred more than a year after the original incident, with an average delay of appr…
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The original was posted on /r/science by /u/Wagamaga on 2025-01-12 11:20:17+00:00.
Original Title: New research reveals an alarming fact about copycat mass shooters. Research found nearly 80% of copycat attacks occurred more than a year after the original incident, with an average delay of approximately eight years
So, next Christmas we might get another luigi?
Everyone be good little boys and girls.
I just read the summary study maybe someone else could take a look or if they can get access to the full study through an educational org and upload ir somewhere free? because the brief doesn’t state precisely how they determine if shooter is a copycat
there’s talk of role models, but it’s vague on the actual criteria used to define a ‘copycat’.
Sure if a shooter has a manifesto that references specifically one previous attack and their attack is superficially similar then yes that could be called that a copy cat, but e.g. if a shooter mentions several shooters then are they a copycat?
The Christchurch shooter comes to mind, IIRC his weapon(and manifesto if he had one? I can’t recall off the top of my head) was covered in references to multiple previous racist/nazi attackers but I wouldn’t say he was a copycat of any specific prior shooter
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