Washington-based Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) has called for more money to be
set aside for digital public infrastructure (DPI) including one of its elements,
digital ID – and this means not only the funds earmarked for the technology
portion of it. Currently, DPI projects can count on $400 million by the end of
the decade – that is the figure “stakeholders” have already committed to “the
cause.” Essentially, DIAL is advocating for money to be steadily spent on
promotion of its mission via seemingly “trustworthy” messengers such as civil
societies, academics, etc. Apparently, this would also allow their participation
in governance, as well as the design and deployment of various DPIs. Among those
sitting on DIAL’s board are the director of USAI, an organization known for its
involvement in setting up the digital ID in Ukraine, as well as the president
and CEO of the UN Foundation, and a Gates Foundation senior adviser.