• @Eldritch@lemmy.world
    41 month ago

    There shouldn’t be a Jewish state though. It’s a different thing. I don’t think there should be a Christian state or a Muslim state either. Or a Mormon state or a Scientologist state.

    There were Jews living in Palestine before it was carved up and given to the zionists. Why did it need to be turned into a Jewish state to the exclusion of people who have always lived there? At one point they were planning to carve up Argentina and South america. Which still would have been wrong. Though perhaps slightly less insane than what they did.

    • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
      -41 month ago

      Since the beginning, groups of people with the same religious values have grouped together to form communities and then nations. There should no exception here.

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        31 month ago

        Yeah. There should. It’s always been a bad idea. And historically part of the reason they were persecuted. Not that it justified it. Nor does it justify them doing it in return.

        So you’re saying we should stop resisting and just give the fascists the US as a Christian homeland? Help me understand.

        • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          You do understand that Isreal is 40% Muslim, just as in the US only 68% identify as Christian. Just because a country starts in a certain way doesn’t mean they don’t evolve. But, sometimes they don’t for a time, especially Theocracies.

          • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
            31 month ago

            And they are not treated equal. So you are saying that we should give America to the fascists? I mean after all if the Jewish homeland is 40% Muslim at other 60% is partially Christian as well. So less than 60% of the people in the Jewish homeland are Jewish. But it’s still their homeland somehow? Then Christians with 64% of American population should of course have rights to turn America into their locked down Homeland too.

            Look I see you post a lot and I generally agree with you. But this is a little too far off the reservation for this indian.

            • @Rapidcreek@lemmy.world
              -41 month ago

              Well are people treated equal in the US?

              Muslims in Isreal are a minority, but they do hold office and are cops, etc. They were murdered last October too Not too many Christians in Isreal. I never liked Isreal declaring itself a Jewish state, but if Christians had their wish in the US…so, I can .understand hardliners in Isreal. I’m an atheist, so I’m always the minority.

              • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
                31 month ago

                No. But you all aren’t leaving and letting me and my relatives live on our land undisturbed. It’s kind of a double standard.

                In all seriousness. An Injustice somewhere does not justify Injustice everywhere. People should be treated more equal if not equally entirely. That seems like a pretty decent deal right? You all get to live on our ancestral lands we all just have to treat each other equally. Easy and pretty sweet right?