In his bid to retake the White House, few states hold as much promise forĀ Donald TrumpĀ as Michigan.

The former president has already won the state once and PresidentĀ Joe Biden, who reclaimed it for Democrats in 2020, isĀ confronting vulnerabilitiesĀ there as he seeks reelection. Trumpā€™s campaign promises an aggressive play for Michigan as part of a robust swing-state strategy.

But, at least for now, those promises appear to be mostly talk. The Trump campaign and its partners at the Republican National Committee havenā€™t yet made significant general election investments in the state, according to Michigan Republican Party Chairman Pete Hoekstra. The national committee, he said, hasnā€™t transferred any money to the state party to help bolster its operations heading into the general election. There are no specific programs in place to court voters of color. And thereā€™s no general election field staff in place.

    22ā€¢6 months ago

    Thereā€™s a lot of extremely wealthy people who effectively have infinite money and want to see the Republicans in power. Trumpā€™s probably hoping that, after the rubesā€™ donations have been diverted to his legal funds, these shadowy plutocrats will quietly step in and ensure that the races that matter are amply funded.

        7ā€¢6 months ago

        You think that money is going to down ballot races instead of directly into Trumpā€™s pocket,??? Lol

          1ā€¢6 months ago

          They donā€™t give a shit about down ballot. Down ballot doesnā€™t matter when you control all three branches of government, imprison or kill all your enemies, and replace the entire federal beauracracy with toadies.

          They donā€™t care about consequences because they do not intend to suffer them.

              1ā€¢6 months ago

              What part of this do you not understand? They donā€™t care about down ballot races because they intend to install a dictatorship. You think Putin gives a shit how much funding down ballot candidates get? Fuck no. They just install whoever they want or have sham elections.

                7ā€¢6 months ago

                You: They will control the House, Senate, and Presidency.

                Also You: They donā€™t care about voting in House and Senate races.

                Somehow Also You: What donā€™t you understand about my previous statement?

            4ā€¢6 months ago

            Down ballot is where the gerrymandering and state supreme courts work together to kill democracy.