• @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works
    9 months ago

    Hm… I think you may have a point about Trump being a scapegoat for Hilary’s win. Never saw it like that, but yeah, you do have a point. His I don’t give AF attitude, his lack of word filtering (than again, republicans are like that, lol 😂)… not something a presidential candidate should be proud of, lol. And he is proud of that, you could tell, lol 😂.

    From his POV, I can understand running for president. I mean, the man’s accomplished in almost every other aspect in life. The only other thing he wasn’t really balls in deep was politics, so he probably thought, this is my chance, now or never.

    And yeah, I do think he’d be friends with a trans person even - you don’t have to agree with someone 100% to enjoy one another’s company.:-D

    He even was.


    That’s why I can’t say anything bad about the guy, even if he is homphobic or transphobic or whatever. I mean, no one’s perfect, he is like he is, and that’s fine, main thing is, he’s not a bad person.

    Regarding the video, I actually presumed as much. Still, it was a nice video, watched it till the end. Facts are facts 🤷.

    But, did you notice what was the root of the problem? I have, just haven’t phrased it like that and haven’t analyzed the subject like the guy on that channel has - money. Always have been, always will be. It litelarly is the root of all evil and unfairness. The more you have, the more you want. Actually, it’s not exactly money per say, it’s just that money manifests this human trait all too well. It’s greed.

    I’ve thought about this long and hard and no matter how I try and salvage things, to be as much as they are now, I always end up with the same conclusion. Radical changes have to be made in order for us to survive as a species. Our economic and social structures, as well as what (currently) defines us as himan. Well, maybe not that last part (at least not extesively), but yes, we do have to evolve and completely drop, on a species level, some things that we hold on to so dearly. Trouble is, humans only unite when faced with grave danger on a global scale, so… this will probably never happen in our lifetime, but if we were to survive, it must happen.

    • @OpenStars@startrek.website
      19 months ago

      Biden also has word salads, but yeah at least he isn’t proud of it. I suppose the thinking is that anti-establishment means that whatever THEY do, you should do the exact opposite? Except that is not how adulting works - the way you can spot a counterfeit is to know the geniune article so well that nobody can lie to you and pass off something false as being true. Simply being “not happy” with existing policies is not a good direction to move “forward” in. So instead of e.g. Christians asking “WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?”, they instead ask what Obama would do and then do the polar opposite? So like Obama passed the Affordable Care Act, so I guess the opposite is to, what, kill off all the poor people? (shit, I didn’t mean for this to be so accurate!)

      Chappelle is a literal genius, or at least a really smart, very insightful dude. Some people do not like him, I assume b/c they do not understand him (or maybe… b/c they do?:-P). His early work I did not enjoy as much, but then I reflect that it was a different time then, and what seems blasé today was for back then a revolutionary thing. I especially appreciate his insights into racial matters - e.g. that story about a trans person who is white in Texas being “passing”, whereas Dave can never ever change the color of his skin, so they really truly are fundamentally different.

      That CPG Grey video really messed ME up. A lot of liberals start thinking “well this is the way the world SHOULD be” - but that is stupid thinking (unfortunately modern conservatives do not have a monopoly on stupidity, or more precisely lack of wisdom, which is not always the same thing, and presence of obstinacy to persist in spite of all the facts pointing in the opposing direction), and instead what actually WORKS is when we are humble enough to realize the way that the world actually DOES work, and then move forward from there. e.g. imagine trying to make a rocket that can go into space, maybe even reach the moon - none of the “feels like” statements (I kinda feel like I want to paint it red and blue, and add sparkles to it - THAT might make it go further?) are going to make it go one inch further, and it is only when we start asking how physics truly works, and then submitting to that so that our actions match our thinking, will we actually be able to achieve the goal.

      And I feel like Chappelle gets that. Heck, even Trump gets that, though then he twists it and uses it for his own ends - like yeah he does know how to avoid paying taxes, and that helps the common American HOW exactly?!? Biden also seems to get it, which surprised the hell out of me, though Kamala absolutely does not, preferring instead to blame everyone rather than herself.

      About money being evil: consider the related statement that “Guns don’t kill people - people kill people”, which is both a true statement and also misleading b/c guns really do help to kill people, as opposed to lets say a knife or a bow & arrow. Guns not only increase the rate with which humans can be dispatched, but also they increase the ease with which even singular ones can be taken down, by lowering the barriers - simply point and click and if you hit your target in a vital spot, it’s all over for them. Get dumped by your girlfriend? Get a gun and show her who is boss! Teacher gave you an F, or maybe even an A- but you wanted an A? Same. It shortens the effort required to go from initial thought to deed completion, and thus facilitates traveling that pathway more readily, without barriers, and also more quickly, before you have time to cool off or get distracted. In comparison, in Australia unregistered guns are illegal, and while people can still purchase them in an unregulated black market, it costs almost as much as a cheap house, like $40k (this figure was from a decade ago so probably a lot more now with inflation!) - always assuming ofc that they don’t decide to kidnap you and use you for organ harvesting or some such. That puts some barriers back up, so that people must take time to cool off before purchasing one, in order to fulfill their wish. Also younger people are less likely to have that kind of cash on-hand, so the most brash members of society have the least access to those dangerous weapons. i.e., mainly it is people that kill people, and yet guns do significantly help with that.

      Similar to the above statement, money both directly warps a person’s mind - studies show that people literally change their actions when they start to get some, e.g. becoming fearful that others will try to come & take it - plus also the greed aspect affects people far more, even if they do not have any actual money itself. Though not everyone is greedy - there are so many stories of people that e.g. win the lottery and donate all of the funds to charity. Being forewarned is forearmed, and some people are more careful than others to avoid letting greed take over their lives. I actually think Biden is that way - his wife comes from the Heinz ketchup fortune so is extremely wealthy, and neither of them would ever need to work a single day for the rest of their lives, and yet that old man instead of taking naps all day (as many of us would prefer!) gets up every day and works himself to the bone. Yeah he surely has his selfish reasons too, like wanting to be remembered as someone who did great things - which is a good thing? - but his actions at least do not match what I would consider “greed”. Whereas Trump on the other hand… that pussy-grabbing MFer will take every last tiny bit that he can get! :-P

      About our survival: I watch a lot of sci-fi, and I have read even more of that. I agree with you that we might end ourselves, but I also think that it is possible for populations to go in “cycles”, and while we might kill off oh let’s say 90% of humanity on earth, even so the rest of us might remain, and grow all the stronger as a result of learning from our trials. That’s the key btw: EVALUATED EXPERIENCES - some people never learn, either from their own mistakes or those of others, but some people are open to learning, and they will have a much greater chance of being okay… like a Jew that moved out of Germany, before other Jews were thrown into the furnaces: if you pay attention, I happen to think that the outcome is more likely to be better than if you do not. That does not seem like a fully natural mental state: it is far easier to just go to sleep and conserve energy, hence the drag/pull towards laziness each and every day. But if we resist laziness, and greed, and other mental ills, then past history shows that such people as that do that DO end up with far better lives.

      But… we aren’t all going to make it. Some people are simply too stupid - I should stop using that word btw, when really I mean obstinate - to survive. Trying the same thing over and over, hoping for a different results the next time - that simply is not a winning strategy, 999,999,999 times out of a billion.