• Flying SquidM
    1010 months ago

    I’m an atheist, but I also have some kind of learning disability that makes me completely able to understand math, even at that level.

    So… it’s time to accept Jesus as my lord and savior?

    • MacN'Cheezus
      19 months ago

      I don’t think you understand the concept of disability

      • Flying SquidM
        19 months ago

        You mean apart from my having an actual physical disability and having received disability payments because of it?

        • MacN'Cheezus
          09 months ago

          Well it clearly isn’t a learning disability if you can still understand math

          • Flying SquidM
            19 months ago

            I mean… I can’t understand math? That was what I originally said?

            • MacN'Cheezus
              49 months ago

              Perhaps you have a writing disability too, or I have a reading disability, but your original comment seems to say that you are completely able to understand math despite having a learning disability.

              Go ahead and check. I re-read it several times just to make sure.

              • Flying SquidM
                59 months ago

                Ah, ok. Yes, I meant unable. My mistake. I am just incapable of understanding math even at very basic levels, as I was reminded of again this year after putting my 13-year-old daughter in online school. I barely made it through the math classes I took in high school. College required a single math course and I took the “this is so easy anyone can pass it” one and barely passed it.

                • MacN'Cheezus
                  39 months ago

                  Alright then, glad we could clear that up.

                  I just wanted to clarify because I probably have a learning disability too but I never had any issues with math. It’s always been more about dealing with people.

                  • Flying SquidM
                    29 months ago

                    Academically, I was always fine unless math got into the picture. I was always really good at science, and still love science, but once they started making me do math in science, my grades just started dropping because it just didn’t make sense to me. I’m mostly fine with arithmetic, fractions and decimals, but once it gets into solving for X or plotting graphs or calculating volume or using any sort of formula, I get totally lost.