As a Finn I say this is fine. Every military resource that is tied down and not raping and destroying Ukraine is net positive.

    146 months ago

    I’ve wanted to fight Russia since they annexed Crimea.

    I’m sure you’ll be the first to volunteer for the front lines then.

    • Supercritical
      56 months ago

      Exactly. I hate when people lead off with that. It assumes their personal involvement in the war does anything other than make themselves feel less hopeless.

        46 months ago

        I understand their point from a geopolitical strategy perspective, but you always have to step back and ask yourself if you’d be willing to personally sign up. I would love to see Russia beaten and Putin ousted too, but I’m not willing to physically go do that, so I can’t exactly expect others to.

        Not to mention, I’m old enough to know that it would never go as planned. We’d end up in forever war that kills thousands and thousands of innocent people and puts warlords in charge instead of a clean coup and instant transition to peaceful democracy.

      • @doctorcrimson
        -36 months ago

        Exactly for real, mate, I’d be digging those trenches. Didn’t expect that, did you? Thought you had the ultimate “Gotcha!” but no. I’m probably one of the few people in this comment section even fit to serve. Parrot more talking points, why not?

          • @doctorcrimson
            06 months ago

            Why would I join up to fight for oil? I just explained that the source of my frustration is the fight that I want to fight is not a priority of my nation.

              • @doctorcrimson
                06 months ago

                Sorry, what is your argument here? That if I’m not willing to fight for the profits of companies that I also wouldn’t be willing to fight an actual threat to millions of people? Is that it? You feel like as long as I’m not being deployed to topple a democracy in South America, Africa, or the Middle East that you’ve somehow won here? I clearly overestimated your intelligence, I think I’ll leave the conversation here.

    • @doctorcrimson
      6 months ago

      Goddamn right I would. Finally a cause worth fighting for, many Americans would view it as a dream come true.