• @pahlimur@lemmy.world
    510 months ago

    It’s party specific though. Republican voters get shit on constantly and never waiver at the vote. It’s people in the center and to the left that will just not show up if they’ve been slighted.

    I say this way to often, but I’m ex Republican and we used to joke about how much the lefts bickering handed us elections. The only way to fix this country is to show up and vote dem because you can be damn sure Republicans are going to show up regardless of the candidate they choose.

    • @4lan@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      the amount of republicans who acknowledge trumps treason saying “I’m not sure yet” when asked if they will vote for trump is insane. They are just picking a color at this point. It could be anyone.

      I am going to be bugging everyone I know come next November. We need apathetic centrists to vote to prevent more trump, make them know what’s at stake