• Discoslugs
    -710 months ago

    I have voted in every major election since I was 18.

    That includes 4 Presidential, and many local ones.

    They have been playing the same “lesser of two evils” card since George w. Bush. And probably before.

    You’re a chump for thinking things will change by playing into the same trap.

    • @dezmd@lemmy.world
      410 months ago

      This will be my 7th Presidential, and I have voted in every eligible local/state election.

      You offer harsh criticism but no actual solutions, like you’re still 20 years old and thinking the world will change if you just talk about it enough.

      Republicans will always lie cheat and steal with zero concern for ethics or scrupulous moral considerations when it comes to undermining principles of democracy if it increases their wealth and power projections. Always.

      Democrats will also do that, sometimes, but not always. Don’t vote for evil, but don’t let guaranteed evil ever get unfettered control of a flawed constitutional system built where evil cannot be stopped other than by extreme means involving violence and bloodshed. See slavery and what we had to go thru to ultimately eliminate it.

      These two groups have a stranglehold on our politics and no amount of bullshitting is going to work around it. If people weren’t smart enough to pick Sanders over Clinton in 2016, if people were’nt cognizant enough of the idea behind not supporting Clinton in the primary simply based on not allowing a few ‘royal’ styled families to maintain a grasp on the reigns of power, if We the People aren’t rioting in the streets to maintain an open, independent, liberal democracy, why would you expect people be smart enough to engage a third party candidate?

      You have to plan ahead instead of yelling about it the last goddamn minute (in terms of election timing, this is the last minute) if you ever plan to side step D vs R, you have to look ahead 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 years and laser focus on all elections on all positions including packing the court with ethical judges that aren’t beholden to ludicrous legal think tank fronts acting as formal legal society clubs. But nobody has time for that much less the will to create a set of policies that will garner support of a large enough swath of voters that it could affect the sweeping change you want so bad (and yes, that we all probably need).

      At this point, unfortunately, you’re a chump for thinking things will change by playing into the same trap of voting third party against the two parties holding all the cards.

      • Discoslugs
        -110 months ago

        like you’re still 20 years old and thinking the world will change if you just talk about it enough.

        Ahh yes there it is. I’m an angry youngster.

        You have to plan ahead instead of yelling about it the last goddamn minute (in terms of election timing, this is the last minute) if you ever plan to side step D vs R, you have to look ahead 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 years

        What if 10 12 years ago we all started voting independent? I think that would have a big impact.

        In fact I think if we did that work years ago, we would have a healthy 3rd party candidate now.

        But instead we keep doing the same things we always do… Vote blue or else!!!

        • @dezmd@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Ahh yes there it is. I’m an angry youngster.

          Once again you offer only complaints without offering solutions, continuing to act like like an inexperienced 20 year old that thinks yelling equates the change.

          Propose actionable solutions rather than just pontificating bullshit.

    • @samus12345@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      The greater of two evils won in 2016. If you saw no difference between the Trump and Biden presidency, you’re a privileged person with the luxury to worry about genocide in another country more than what will happen to you.

      • Discoslugs
        -210 months ago

        I am a privelged person, I don’t live in a country being genocided rn. And apparently so are you.

        To me It doesn’t matter if its happening in another country. I personally feel You are a coward to down play this genocide simply because its not happening in your back yard.

        You got more immediate problems? Ok. Trump is gonna do bad shit? Almost certainly.

        But Biden is not the solution to the problems in america. Dems will not bring about real change. They will only allow for a future republican candidate, with better PR, to take hold.

        They are worthless. And your support of them only amounts to the same flawed choice, and the same outcomes already have.

        Finally answer me this:What if everyone telling me too vote lesser of two evils, voted independent?

        • @samus12345@lemmy.world
          010 months ago

          You are a coward to down play this genocide simply because its not happening in your back yard.

          That’s not what I’m saying. All genocide is horrible and should not exist regardless of location. What I am saying is that the genocide will happen regardless of who you vote for, which makes it a foolish thing to base your vote on rather than things that will be different.

          What if everyone telling me to vote lesser of two evils, voted independent?

          Then the independent would still lose, by a very large margin, because 99%+ of the voting population has never communicated with you or even knows you exist.

          As for “What if a majority of voters voted Independent?” Might as well ask “What if people stopped being hateful bigots?” It will never happen, and pretending it will rather than working with what’s within realistic possibility will accomplish even less.

          • Discoslugs
            210 months ago

            Then the independent would still lose, by a very large margin, because 99%+ of the voting population has never communicated with you or even knows you exist.

            I’m not the guy who came up with voting for 3rd party. Lmao. Wtf.

            As for “What if a majority of voters voted Independent?” Might as well ask “What if people stopped being hateful bigots?”

            OK. But you are the person who is refusing to vote any other way. People won’t vote 3rd party because they think like YOU.

            You are the problem. In this scenario you would be the hateful bigot who refuse to change…

    • @pahlimur@lemmy.world
      110 months ago

      It’s because of people like you letting them get away with being the lesser of the evils. If Dems were an overwhelming majority they couldn’t campaign on how close they are to losing everything.

      I was a Republican and have voted the same number of times you have. Republicans fucking joke about people like you allowing them to win.

      • Discoslugs
        110 months ago

        Let me get this straight:

        I’m letting the dems get away with becoming the lesser of Two evils by not supporting them…And you aren’t doing that by voting for them? That sounds like BS to mee.

        If Dems were an overwhelming majority

        They had both houses and the president in 2020 and didn’t do shit.

        We still have genocide supply… We still have campaign fiance corruption and a million prblemz they didn’t do shit.

        • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          If Dems were an overwhelming majority

          They had both houses and the president in 2020 and didn’t do shit.

          And thank you for confirming you don’t know what you’re talking about. Those two aren’t mutually exclusive.