Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.

  • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
    411 months ago

    What about unfuckable women? Do men ever feel threatened by them to the point of feari g for their lives???

    You pretend this is one sided but it is literally not the same for women dating as it is for men.

    To believe otherwise is incredibly ignorant.

    The vast majority of men never consider physical violence against them in a relationship.

    The good men arent afraid to admit that men in general need to do a lot better job of respecting women.

    You claim: "In other words what you’re saying is women don’t have to be responsible for anything, they can act any way they want. "

    No one is saying this. You assumed this. Your assumption is simply incorrect.

    This is the definition of a strawman. You’re fitting an argument the other person never made.

    • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
      -411 months ago

      This is the definition of a strawman. You’re fitting an argument the other person never made.

      Except this thread is chock full of you all doing this exact thing.

      Listen, nothing will change that there are shitty men out there. Nothing will change that there are also shitty women out there. If you can’t find a decent guy it isn’t because they don’t exist, it’s because YOU aren’t attracting them. This is a YOU problem.

        • @Coreidan@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Projecting? More like you’re deflecting.

          You’re the hateful one here. You’re the angry one. You need a nap.

          • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
            211 months ago

            Oh really what did I say that is hateful? You’re still projecting 100% or you just can’t read haha.