Xbox developer tools are on the way for AI NPCs and more.

    18 months ago

    I think the idea that it takes more work to do things by just engineering it in is flawed, to say the least.

    Building llms is incredibly difficult. Building good training data is even more difficult. Then ironing out all the problems and biases in your model is even more difficult than that. You often need to build new models just to correct the old models.

    There are places ai does well, it is however not a magic wand that just makes everything easier. It is far far far from that.

      18 months ago

      Sure, but once the model is trained and all that, the developer doesn’t need to worry about any of that - it becomes a black box as far as actual implementation goes.

      I don’t think anyone is proposing that game devs create an LLM from scratch.

        18 months ago

        I don’t really think you grasp the problem at hand here. You think as long as their is a conversational llm everything else is solved. No.