IHouse Republicans approved legislation Friday that would slash nearly 40 percent of the budget for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The funding bill, passed by a 213-203 vote, cuts 39 percent of the EPA’s budget and would be the smallest budget the agency has had in three decades. Republican Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Mike Lawler (N.Y.) and Marc Molinaro (N.Y.) voted against the bill, while Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (Texas) was recorded as voting for it.

  • @Pasta4u@lemmy.world
    -1018 months ago

    Why? If people want efficient cars they would buy them at high numbers. That would give an incentive for car makers to continue making more efficient cars.

    Right now you have a bunch of crap iut there that people don’t want like electric cars

    • incentive for car makers to continue making more efficient cars.

      That’s never been true. Profits on big inefficient cars have always been higher than smaller efficient so that’s what’s been advertised and pushed during sales. Some brands went fully SUV and are unable to sell anything smaller when fuel prices go up and customers look for something less gas guzzling.

      • @Pasta4u@lemmy.world
        -328 months ago

        Yes, I wouldn’t buy a small car anymore and my trax gets great mileage.

        Why would I want to be forced to use an electric car that would take me the better part of an hour to get 80% of its range charge while sitting ina random parking lot and rhays if there is even a space avaliable. Ornwhen driving linger distances I have to be afraid of making it to one of the few sporadic charing stations to again wait the better part of an hour to charge 80% of my car or longer of there is a line. I can gas up in under five minutes and go another 350 miles down the road.

        • Of course you are restricted with what you can buy and use on the roads. Try to go full Mad Max with a battering ram and a flame thrower. Even drunk driving isn’t allowed. Why is that not allowed? It could hurt others. And exhaust is proven to hurt others too by premature status and even contribute to causing autism. But that kind of hurt is indirect so should be allowed because the inconvenience to charging is too big.

          • @Pasta4u@lemmy.world
            -138 months ago

            Ah yes. I wonder how bad it will be with lithium posioning. What happens to all those kids that are mining the substance by hand in third world countries ? Doesn’t matter because that hurt is indirect to you? Maybe you are just racist and don’t care about people in third world countries ? What about all the by product that will sit and leach into the environment here ? Think of all the green technology out there like solar panels that aren’t recycled. How many decades of useless panels just sitting there decaying into our environment. But that is an indirect hurt right ? Just ignore it all so that you can feel like you did something good. And what of the poor people who have to replace thier junker with expensive electric cars. Let’s just add a huge cost burden on them. Oh and fuck them of they don’t own thier own way of charging the car. Make them go to a parking lot amd sit there for hours to charge their car. Cause fuck them they are poor am I right?

            • Lithium poisoning? Better not make laptops and phones anymore.

              Those substances are also mined for oil production and infrastructure. Molybdenum for oil pipe lines. Cobalt for refining. Luckily research replacing those materials in green tech. The same cannot be said for fossil fuel production.

              Where I live, recycling of solar panels is more than 90%. I hope gasoline recycling is about the same ratio.

              Yes, cars are expensive. We should ideally invest in good, cheap and clean public transportation, but yeah, fuck the poor. Of course the poor also live closer to busy roads and have more health problems because of exhaust, but again fuck the poor. When climate change hits even more and houses get flooded or baked in heatwaves it won’t be the poor neighborhoods that’ll receive help first.

    • @dodgy_bagel@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      208 months ago

      Trucks are heavily advertised over cars because selling a truck produces more profit.

      Over time, those advertisements convince Americans that they need a F-150 4x4 EXTREME DUTY ULTRA RUGGED truck.

      • @Pasta4u@lemmy.world
        -138 months ago

        And what if they actually need that truck for work ? Some people do more than sit in a cubical all day.

        I need a siv for work. There isn’t a car large enough to fit my equipment in it. I could gonwoth a van I guess but I perfer the suv. The siv also gets better gas mileage and I can use it for my family when I need too.

    • prole
      8 months ago

      You know why. But congrats that you got that little ping of dopamine that you get when you “slightly annoy” or fuck with a couple dozen strangers on the internet. That sweet little hit.

      But I also bet you get that second, likely smaller ping as well. That one doesn’t feel quite as nice, but you’re learning to push it to the back, not let it effect you. But it effects you. Every time it takes something away from you and you can feel it. Or at least you used to… until you let it die. And you can’t help but feel something else (your empathy perhaps) is gone with it. Forever.