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First panel: [blank white space with black text] Jogging from the perspective of animals

Second panel: Wolf by a tree looking at a man jogging. “What are you running from, apex predator”

Third panel: Wolf: “Are you chasing prey?” “You need to conserve energy”

Last panel: [second wolf peeking in] “The hell is that guy doing” [first wolf] “I don’t know. I don’t understand”

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  • We’ve witnessed societal collapse before and came out of it for the better. We’ll be reunited as a whole within a hundred years of such an event.

      38 months ago

      The main difference though was those were just societal not ecological.

      People were able to bounce back easily because resources were still plentiful and food was everywhere. With climate change a lot of resources are going to become unavailable.

          28 months ago

          Oh I have no doubt. Honestly it would take planet wide devastation to completely wipe us out.

          But mass extinctions have happened multiple times and the species that survive are mainly just lucky.

          I don’t think humanity has anymore luck to spare.