• PatFusty
      -1910 months ago

      Name 1 job title that actually makes federal minimum wage. I dont mean service or gig workers either because that can vary wildly

        • PatFusty
          -1110 months ago

          When was this and what state? I inherently dont believe anyone is making federal minimum wage in 2023 other than slave workers aka prisoners or bracero type field workers

          • @SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Well, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report, 1.6 million workers are at or below the federal minimum wadge. And I could break down the groups for you to show you it’s more than prisoners and field workers. But seeing as you could have just googled it yourself instead of incredulously asking internet strangers for anecdotal evidence, I’ll assume doing so would be a waste of my time.

            Still, if you are genuinely curious, here is the report I mentioned.

      • Store associate. Though the ones you’ve mentioned only “vary wildly” because the scam that is tipping culture (no offense to those that have those jobs but all companies should pay fair wages and not impose on their customers/patrons) and gig work are short/niche/temporary work to fill a need or gaps in industries.