• ugjkaOP
        27 hours ago
        [ugjka@ugjka Music.Videos]$ free -h
                       total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
        Mem:            29Gi        17Gi       1,8Gi       529Mi        11Gi        11Gi
        Swap:           14Gi       2,0Gi        12Gi
        • I was wondering if your tool was displaying cache as usage, but I guess not. Not sure what you have running that’s consuming that much.

          I mentioned this in another comment, but I’m currently running a simulation of a whole proxmox cluster with nodes, storage servers, switches and even a windows client machine active. I’m running that all on gnome with Firefox and discord open and this is my usage

          $ free -h
                         total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
          Mem:            46Gi        16Gi       9.1Gi       168Mi        22Gi        30Gi
          Swap:          3.8Gi          0B       3.8Gi

          Of course discord is inside Firefox, so that helps, but still…

          • ugjkaOP
            15 hours ago

            about 3gigs goes to vram as i don’t have dedicated card yet, but i’m getting 16 gig dedicated gfx soon